Vintage Homeschool Moms

Vintage Homeschool Moms


Vintage Homeschool Moms preserves the best of the past while blessing future generations with the fruit that comes from putting God first and using experience as a teacher. Tune in with a chance to ask your own questions during the live events. You host, Felice Gerwitz, is a Christian wife, mother, and educator-turned-homeschool-mom in 1986. She began homeschooling as a trial and never looked back. The topics will range from home education, child rearing, enterprising moms , SAHM (Stay at Home Moms), WAHM (Work at Home Moms), and so much more. Best yet, design your own show! Drop Felice a note and let her know what you’d like to hear.

Recent Episodes

  • Math The Easy Way (Special Replay)

    1 week ago
  • Unlocking Learning Potential

    2 weeks ago
  • Soldier Lessons

    3 weeks ago
  • Summer Fun On Shoestring Budget

    4 weeks ago
  • 50 Summer Projects For Kids | Just for Kids Podcast

    1 month ago
  • Everyday Peacemakers

    1 month ago
  • Science Labs on a Budget

    2 months ago
  • Top Ten Time Savers

    2 months ago
  • Fun Summer Project: Write A Book

    2 months ago
  • Organization Hacks For The Busy Mom

    2 months ago