Mother Plus Podcast

Mother Plus Podcast


This is the podcast for “too much” moms who feel like they are failing at motherhood and don’t want to fail anymore. Your hosts, Stacey Hutson and Stephanie Sprenger, two ADHD moms of four girls ages 4-18, most definitely don’t have it all figured out. But we know one thing for sure: understanding our brains is the key to enjoying our motherhood, and our SELVES again.

Here, we are brutally honest about our ADHD motherhoods (the missed Spirit Weeks, the mountains of laundry, the nostalgia for our old “fun” pre-mom selves) so you know you’re not the only one struggling.

When we don’t know the answers, or aren’t qualified to give them, we bring on the experts. Mental health therapists, psychologists, psychiatrists, women’s doctors — we want to learn from them all. Because we believe once you know how to work WITH your ADHD brain rather than against it, it changes everything.

You found your people. We’re them. And you’re us. Let’s figure this out together.

*To Join the ADHD Mom’s Club so we can hang out, visit:**

Recent Episodes

  • #118: ADHD Insecurities & Anxieties: A Conversation with Mother + Clinical Psychologist + ADHD Specialist

    1 week ago
  • #117: “I’m Not Good Enough”: A Conversation with Mother + Clinical Psychologist + ADHD Specialist

    4 weeks ago
  • #116: What Do You Do When You Can't Stop Thinking About Bad Things That Could Happen?

    1 month ago
  • #115: Who Is In Charge Here? Managing Summer When You're An ADHD Mom

    1 month ago
  • #114: One Proven Treatment For ADHD That You Can Start Tonight (Advice From ADHD Mother + Neuroscientist)

    2 months ago
  • #113: Using Stand-Up Comedy To Create Conversation & Community Around Neurodiversity

    2 months ago
  • #112: Two ADHD Moms Learn From a Psychologist & Procrastination Coach: Part 2

    2 months ago
  • #111: Two ADHD Moms Learn From a Psychologist & Procrastination Coach: Part 1

    2 months ago
  • #110: One Mom's Story of Living With Anxiety and ADHD

    2 months ago
  • #109: What Taylor Swift Has To Do With Women's Voices, Women's Rage, and Women's Community

    2 months ago