Just Say This!

Just Say This!


Are you dragging your feet about having the sex talks? Do you wish someone would just tell you what to say to your tween (or any age kid) about this important part of life? You are in the right place. I’m Amy Lang, a sex and parent educator, and in my frank (really frank), opinionated, and full of swears advice-column style parenting podcast, I answer real questions from real parents about the talks. I also provide topic-specific scripts so you can sound like a pro. Most episodes are a potluck of questions that run the gamut from abortion to porn and everything in between. They need to know about all of these things by the time they start middle school.* When you have no idea about the best age to start the birds and bees talks; what’s age appropriate; and what to actually SAY to them about sex, it makes the sex talks daunting (to say the least)! When it comes to the sex talks, keeping it sex positive, light and fact based is key to getting them to listen to you and see you as their go-to birds and bees source. Just Say This can help you make this happen. To record a question for me to answer in a later show (even if you think it’s a stupid one) call 206-926-1522.* I love funny sex talk stories, too. So feel free to call those in, too. + IG @BirdsBeesKids + FB @BirdsBeesKids + BirdsAndBeesAndKids.com *Not a thing. **In middle school they talk about everything so it’s better (and safer) for your kid to be super-well informed so that they feel confident and smart as things get really real. Do you remember middle school? Wouldn’t it have been so much better if you had known everything? Or anything?

Recent Episodes

  • So long and thanks for all the calls! Plus 20 tips for the sex talks from Sex Talks with Tweens -- Episode 200

    3 months ago
  • Librarian needs script for teachers who are complaining about sex ed books and lesbian moms need to buy condoms for their kid and need some pointers -- Episode 199

    3 months ago
  • How to make all your convos with your kids short and sweet! With Mary Willcox Smith -- Episode 198

    3 months ago
  • Explaining STIs to kids under 10 -- Episode 197

    4 months ago
  • Boy masturbating in mom's bedroom; should you buy condoms in front of your kids; and is a body pillow OK for my teen? -- Episode 196

    4 months ago
  • What does sex positive mean? -- Episode 195

    5 months ago
  • The Valentines Edition: Telling a 6 year-old they can have a "girlfriend" as long as they get good grades; helping tweens navigate crushes; and are trans kiddo romantic sleepovers damaging? -- Episode 194

    5 months ago
  • Sugar dating with Casey O'Roarty and Christy Keating -- Episode 193

    6 months ago
  • Neurodivergent kid struggles with impulse control and gal can't keep her hands out of her pants -- Episode 192

    7 months ago
  • How to tell adults to respect your kids' body-boundaries -- Episode 191

    7 months ago