The Simply Charlotte Mason Homeschooling Audio Podcast

The Simply Charlotte Mason Homeschooling Audio Podcast


Join popular author and speaker, Sonya Shafer, every week for timely encouragement and practical teaching tips to help you homeschool with the Charlotte Mason Method.

Recent Episodes

  • The Secret to Planning Your Homeschool Day

    7 days ago
  • Homeschooling a Single Child with the Charlotte Mason Method

    2 weeks ago
  • Homeschool Schedule — How You Can Finish Lessons by Lunch

    3 weeks ago
  • How Should Children Learn?

    4 weeks ago
  • What Should Children Learn?

    1 month ago
  • Why Should Children Learn?

    1 month ago
  • Does Charlotte Mason Work for Boys?

    2 months ago
  • The Benefits of Music Study

    2 months ago
  • 5 Lifelong Habits in Charlotte Mason Homeschooling

    2 months ago
  • Why We Study the Arts

    2 months ago