Her Holistic Home

Her Holistic Home


Her Holistic Home podcast is about living a holistic lifestyle in multiple ways! I will focus on three different topics in this podcast. Most of this is centered around my own experiences living a natural life for over 12 years and my journey as a mom of three: 1) Natural living – Let’s talk about organic foods, supplementation, practitioners, and toxin free products. I have been medical freedom activist for years and this may also be an area I touch on. I love encouraging people to take care of their bodies because God only gave us one. 2) Faith – The culture has really come against Christians in strong way. Many of us have inadvertently fallen into the lies culture has told us. I am currently working towards my certification in Biblical counseling and I want to share with you what I am learning on a weekly basis! 3) Homeschooling – I absolutely consider myself a homeschooling activist. I was homeschooled myself and I am now homeschooling my children. I want to share my journey as a second generation homeschooler. I love encouraging moms to homeschool. Breaking our children away from government schools is just one way we can raise our children in Christ. I hope my experiences can be helpful to you in some way! Disclosure: I am an affiliate for some of the links included in my show notes or on my blog. Those affiliate statuses can change at any time although I try to keep them updated. I may receive compensation for using the links. All opinions are mine and I am only an affiliate for products I truly recommend. I am not a medical professional and all opinions should not be taken as medical advice.

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