The Interaction Coach
by Joyce Olson
April 10, 2020 2:00 am
You can help your child learn to talk with speech-language pathologist Joyce Olson of The Interaction Coach. Listen to daily tips that make every interaction a learning opportunity for speech and language development. Whether your child needs to start using words, make longer sentences, or improve social communication, this podcast is for you.
Recent Episodes
episode 1.233 - 4:1:20, 9.09 PM
5 years ago6.232 LITERACY: Writing: Paint with water
5 years ago6.231 LITERACY: Writing: Practice pincer grip
5 years ago6.230 LITERACY: Reading: Quit before the interest is gone
5 years ago6.229 LANGUAGE: Literacy: Encourage independent reading
5 years ago6.228 LANGUAGE: Use Speech: Accept any pronunciation
5 years ago6.227 LANGUAGE: Use Speech: Model “What’s that?”
5 years ago6.226 LANGUAGE: Use Speech: Model word when child is watching face
5 years ago6.225 LANGUAGE: Use Speech: Blow on objects
5 years ago6.224 LANGUAGE: Use Speech: Model sound effects
5 years ago