The 20 Year Check In
by Kauser Razvi
June 29, 2020 1:16 am
Welcome to a podcast created by old high school friends Ted Madden @tedmadden and Kauser Razvi @ksrazvi just checking in on various topics ranging from sports, schooling our kids during the Covid-19 physical distancing, parenting in general, new things we’re learning and stuff we’re too old to do. A podcast made for 2 but happy if you join us and take a listen.
Today we wrap up season one of our podcast, which was a project inspired by the threat of boredom back in March when the coronavirus forced most of the country into lockdown and a need for a creative outlet. We thought it would be good to remember where we stared as we’ve used these last 12 weeks to learn how to podcast, catchup with each other and explore the experiences during the pandemic with our good friends from our high school days at West Aurora where we both grew up. Thanks for joining us on our adventure in season 1.
Recent Episodes
Episode 10: Season 1 Wrap
5 years agoEpisode 9: Crisis on Crisis
5 years agoEpisode 8: The Viral Load
5 years agoEpisode 7: Hunk, Chunk, or Drunk? How will you emerge from the Shelter at Home?
5 years agoEpisode 6: Class is in Session (on Zoom)
5 years agoEpisode 5: Senioritis, not the only Disease this Senior Year
5 years agoEpisode 4: Art in the Time of Coronavirus
5 years agoEpisode 3: The Chief is Down but Not Out
5 years agoEpisode 2: A Perspective from Europe
5 years agoEpisode 1: Life without sports
5 years ago