Danni & Charlie Do Craft
by Danni & Charlie Do Craft
July 3, 2013 7:38 pm
Welcome to the craft podcast from Danni and Charlie. Danni and Charlie met in your average London location working at one of those average London-based publishers. Before long a shared love of all things craft (and a shared quirkiness which made them fast friends) drove them to start knitting luncheons at work. From this (slightly irregular) lunch time wool-based shin-dig, a whole torrent of ideas began to spill forth – Danni and Charlie had big plans and lots of them. And so a blog was born (danniandcharlie.wordpress.com) and a mere year later, so was this podcast. You can expect to hear a lot about knitting, crochet, washi tape and wool probably interspersed with a couple of other random crafty skills they hope to hone/have already honed including print making and origami.
Recent Episodes
Danni and Charlie's First Craft Podcast
11 years ago