Wardens of the Midwest Podcast
by WardensoftheMidwest
September 3, 2016 12:26 am
The Official Podcast for Wardens of the Midwest : Wardens of the Midwest is a group dedicated to the Cincinnati (and surrounding areas) Meta for The Game of Thrones 2.0 LCG. https://www.wardensofthemidwest.com/
Recent Episodes
Episode 13: It's important to Note His Strength is 4
8 years agoEpisode 12 - Pokemon aGOt
8 years agoEpisode 11 - Valar MOrigins
8 years agoEpisode 10 - Spoilers and Star Trek Analogies
8 years agoEpisode 9 - Winter Is Cancelled
8 years agoEpisode 8 - Wheels within Wheels
9 years agoEpisode 7 - Low Hanging Fruit
9 years agoEpisode 6 - Chasing the Wolf
9 years agoEpisode 05 - The Fifth Re-Pair
9 years agoEpisode 04 - Archetypes Ain't Easy
9 years ago