You Up with Nikki Glaser
by Comedy Central
October 2, 2020 7:00 pm
Take your daily hit of pod with Nikki Glaser and enjoy what she does best: oversharing about her personal life, getting and giving perspective on dating and sex, dissecting pop culture, trying to understand the news, and making fun of whatever or whoever else deserves it. New episodes every Monday-Friday.
Recent Episodes
You Up-The Glaser Exit
4 years agoYou Up-Doesn't Fit A Pattern
4 years agoYou Up-Shock and Awe
4 years agoYou Up- Describe As A Cheek
4 years agoYou Up- Little Baby Bird
4 years agoYou Up- Round Off
4 years agoYou Up- Take Out The Bass
4 years agoYou Up- The Metamorphosis
4 years agoYou Up- Keep Me Going
4 years agoYou Up- Fish On The Wall
4 years ago