What a Stupid Thing To Say

What a Stupid Thing To Say


It’s What a Stupid Thing To Say with Nate Perlmeter, the show where we make outrageous claims about pop culture and then take up the thankless, unnecessary task of backing them up.

Recent Episodes

  • A Single Line from Blazing Saddles (1974) Justifies Film as a Medium

    3 years ago
  • Happy Feet is a Lovecraftian Nightmare (and thus deserving of its Oscar) [Feat. Ed Horan)

    3 years ago
  • Running Time is the Ultimate Spoiler

    3 years ago
  • SNL Needs What "Potion Seller" Has

    3 years ago
  • BONUS: At the End of a Serious Man (2009), Everyone in the World Dies (feat. Ben Wilson, Jonah Skeen, Gabe Slon. Noah Slon, and Ian Dillingham)

    3 years ago
  • I'm of Two Minds about Sitcoms (Literally)

    3 years ago
  • We All Make the Same Decisions as Pizza the Hut

    4 years ago
  • Ocean's Eleven Cannot Be Topped

    4 years ago
  • Mambo No. 5 is the Great American Pop Song

    4 years ago