We Don’t Give A Chit

We Don’t Give A Chit


Daily Topics , sports , video games , social media , relationships, love , friendships, military, gossip , just a good time turn up with the crew.

Recent Episodes

  • On The Sandals

    1 year ago
  • You Know That Baby Ugly

    2 years ago
  • Traveled Love

    2 years ago
  • Your Verse,My Verse,Our Verse… No The METAVERSE

    2 years ago
  • Wingman Qualified .?

    2 years ago
  • The Lob

    3 years ago
  • Do It Stank ?

    3 years ago
  • Dating ? Sex ? Or All The Same ?

    3 years ago
  • Baby You Ain’t A Hoe

    3 years ago
  • The Male Perspective !

    3 years ago