Thought You Should Know

Thought You Should Know


Deeq is back! After nearly a two year hiatus from the booth/mic, he’s back to bring you up to speed on the things and the folks you need to be ‘knowing.” So sit back and learn a little something from Deeq Be Knowing.

Recent Episodes

  • Escape from Colombia

    2 years ago
  • Part-Time Has No Benefits

    2 years ago
  • Gotta Start Somewhere.

    2 years ago
  • Pass the ball sometimes

    2 years ago
  • Watch How You're Moving

    2 years ago
  • Bul off to the side

    2 years ago
  • Culture Currency

    2 years ago
  • Critical

    3 years ago
  • Oh... You thought you were influential?

    3 years ago
  • How much is your energy worth?

    3 years ago