This is Norm Daily

This is Norm Daily


This is Norm is a show about interesting things and thoughts from a different perspective. It’s only a couple of minutes per episode as I cut through the noise and ponder about life.Topics range from current topics in the world, interesting discoveries, any tidbits here and there, sources of wisdom, predictions, and more. I share a little bit about my life as well.Best to start with the latest episode! Hosted by Norman Chella.This show is a part of ThatsTheNorm, a group of shows going against the norm! More at:

Recent Episodes

  • 3 Questions on Gratitude: The Planet, Humanity, and The Self

    8 months ago
  • The Child in Me

    2 years ago
  • 1000 Follower Special: Crazy vs Insane, Podcast Prep, Brave Note-Taking and PKM Philosophy

    3 years ago
  • 3-5-10 Year Reflections

    3 years ago
  • Positive Distraction

    4 years ago
  • My 12 Problems (Richard Feynman)

    4 years ago
  • Making a daily show is's why!

    4 years ago
  • Pluralsight is free for April!

    4 years ago
  • The Psychology of a WFH Uniform

    4 years ago
  • Trying out Descript for the first time!

    4 years ago