They Should Have Hired Me

They Should Have Hired Me


Did the latest installment of your favorite movie, show, or game just come out? Did it suck? It’s probably because they didnt’ hire me to make it! Join Steven and his guest intern(s) as they spitball new sequels to your favorite media.

Recent Episodes

  • Kingdom Hearts 3.5 (Featuring Rad)

    7 months ago
  • Team Fortress 3 (Featuring Blackcowboy)

    8 months ago
  • Halloweentown 5 (Featuring X_KulL)

    9 months ago
  • School Of Rock 2 (Featuring Scoopski)

    10 months ago
  • Scott Pilgrim 2 (Featuring Battlemode)

    10 months ago
  • Super Smash Bros 6 (Featuring Wes)

    11 months ago
  • Jurassic Park 7 (Featuring The Taste Of Vomit)

    11 months ago
  • Pokemon 10 (Featuring Rad and Austin)

    11 months ago