The Two Justins Podcast
by Justin Baugus
April 3, 2020 12:00 am
We all come with PRESETS. Ideas set in stone. But when it comes to how tech affects our life, there may be some adjustments needed. In this show we examine our PRESETS with tech and other things.
Recent Episodes
4: Doyle's Cooking Up Something Good
5 years ago3: Socially Distanced
5 years ago2: Where's the Other Yoda?
5 years ago1: Should I Buy An Apple Watch?
5 years agoThe Two Justins - 35 - New Years Special
5 years agoThe Two Justins - 34 - Take Some Pride In You Sandwich
5 years agoThe Two Justins - 33 - A Fancy Choco Taco
5 years agoThe Two Justins - 32 - Do You Believe In Aliens?
5 years agoThe Two Justins - 31 - Chocolate Milk Taste Test
5 years agoThe Two Justins - 30 - WE'RE BACK! Season 3!
5 years ago