The First Draft

The First Draft


Your fave weekly podcast where we talk about most things like we would without mics on. hosted by @wangumunge, @mwendwaaa & @kagichu every Tuesday @ 9:00AM EAT

Recent Episodes

  • femme fatales, are men dumb and gender balance

    3 years ago
  • identity, sexuality + learning to decenter ourselves

    3 years ago
  • stocking up dating edition: dating tips for dummies + first date ideas + he's mid

    3 years ago
  • fear vs love, are they making it to brunch? trauma bonding, romantic relationships II with Mwesh!

    3 years ago
  • stocking up: watch that tone + such a great plot + humble yourself + mental health awareness books & shows

    3 years ago
  • romantic love, please name this situation+share your birth time & location

    3 years ago
  • stocking up: how do you spell? + WTF time zones, science?! + break up songs + vibes & Inshallah

    3 years ago
  • let's talk (ramble) about school

    3 years ago
  • stocking up: that one ask god+ you're talking too much+ block me back!

    3 years ago
  • (why are we still) navigating parents

    3 years ago