Say Hi To The Bad Guy

Say Hi To The Bad Guy


“Lupus in Fabula”… The Wolf in the story. This proverb is the equivalent for “speak of the devil”, and what better way to introduce the antagonist to any story than to utter their name? Say Hi To The Bad Guy is a podcast that will dive into some of the most (in)famous Bad Guys, Villains, and Antagonists from the past and present. Was Thanos right? Is Tony Soprano a “Bad Guy”? Is Rose from Titanic really just a villain? Join me for some fun exploring the often overlooked piece to any story… THE BAD GUY! After all… A Hero is only as good as his Villain.

Recent Episodes

  • "It’s easier to live a convenient lie than a painful truth": Revolver Ocelot (Metal Gear Solid)

    9 months ago
  • "Not enough gun": Saint of Killers (Preacher)

    11 months ago
  • "Au revoir, Shoshanna!": Hans Landa (Inglourious Basterds)

    1 year ago
  • "Some men just want to watch the world burn": The Joker!

    1 year ago

    1 year ago