Pod Casserole

Pod Casserole


Adam and Jp have a Podcast. This is it. It’s called Pod Casserole

Recent Episodes

  • Summer Movie Media Melee Round 2: Jurassic Park vs. Return of the Jedi and Harry Potter vs. Batman

    1 year ago
  • Summer Movie Media Melee: Jurassic World vs. The Lion King (2019) and The Incredibles 2 vs. Star Wars: The Phantom Menace

    1 year ago
  • Summer Movie Media Melee: The Dark Knight vs. E.T and Indiana Jones and The Last Crusade vs. Titanic

    1 year ago
  • Summer Movie Media Melee: Harry Potter 7 vs. Pirates of the Caribbean 2 and Batman (89) vs. Avatar (09)

    1 year ago
  • Summer Movie Media Melee: Jurassic Park vs. Return of the King and Return of the Jedi vs. Independence Day

    1 year ago
  • 400.5: Guardians of The Galaxy Vol. 3 & Wrestlechat 2K23

    1 year ago
  • #400: Adam and Jp Turn 400!!

    2 years ago
  • %&*$#+AJP400*$#!#(012023)&^%#POD&^$#!!FRIDAY*&^%#+==??

    2 years ago
  • #399 - Ska Pits & Multiverse Science

    4 years ago
  • #398: Christmas at Ground Zero with Adam and JP

    4 years ago