In My Own Words

In My Own Words


In My Own Words studies the world of media. Whether it’s a dark look into the themes of Robert Eggers’ The Lighthouse, or examining the definition of heroism in the 2017 film Logan, iMOW always brings understanding to the complex. We examine not only American films, but also television comedies, animation, international films, binge-worthy docuseries, and even the comments of YouTube videos. All of this, and more… …in my own words. Need a word? Follow us on Instagram @inmyownwordsofficial Reach out at

Recent Episodes

  • Official Website Announcement!

    3 years ago
  • All My Invincible Spoilers

    3 years ago
  • Quick Words: Becoming Invincible

    3 years ago

    3 years ago
  • The Weaknd Lights

    3 years ago
  • Quick Words: My Grudge with American Horror Story

    3 years ago
  • Quick Words: Finding Nemo... Nobody

    3 years ago
  • iMOW UPDATE: Where We've Been, and Where We're Going

    3 years ago
  • Spooky Scary Movie Time: A Nightmare on Elm Street

    4 years ago
  • Spooky Scary Movie Time: The Thing

    4 years ago