Girls Like Us Talk

Girls Like Us Talk


#GirlsLikeUsTalk is hosted by Robyn & Annisha and they will be discussing everything from music releases to sneaker news and unfiltered girl talk (there will be dilemmas). Keep an eye out for a new episode of Girls Like Us Talk every Wednesday. Twitter: @CoulingRobyn @annisha_maraj Instagram: @robyncouling @annisha.maraj @girlslikeustalk 🖤

Recent Episodes

  • Episode 18: Adulting!!!!!!

    3 years ago
  • Episode 17: ICKS

    3 years ago
  • Episode 16: BREAKUPSSS

    3 years ago
  • Episode 15: Love In Lockdown

    3 years ago
  • Episode 14: AN OPEN RELATIONSHIP??!!

    3 years ago
  • Episode 13: Pregnancy Cravings (FYI We Are NOT Pregnant)

    3 years ago
  • Episode 12: Self Love

    3 years ago
  • Episode 11: Is Social Media A Scam?

    3 years ago
  • Episode 10: How Well Do We Know Each Other?

    3 years ago
  • Episode 9: Who The F*** Breaks Girl Code??!!

    3 years ago