Fangirl Fridays
by Fangirl Fridays
May 30, 2020 9:09 am
The podcast that wants to know: “What are you fangirling over?” Welcome to Fangirl Fridays, where Natalie Burris and Maren Ziobrowski dive into TV & pop culture moments from yesterday and today! Discussing everything from back-in-the-day babes, one season wonders, iconic theme songs, and all the good stuff in between.
Recent Episodes
Mini - Quarantine Check In (Part 2)
5 years agoMini - Quarantine Check In
5 years agoMini - Toy Story & Toothpaste
5 years ago126 - Dance Battle: Breakin' v. Breakin' 2
5 years ago125 - Dance Battle: Fame v. Fast Forward
5 years ago124 - Dance Battle: Staying Alive v. Urban Cowboy
5 years ago123 - Dance Battle: Flashdance v. Footloose
5 years agoMini - Movies & Murderers
5 years ago122 - 2000: The Whoas
5 years ago121 - 2000: The Lows
5 years ago