Everything but the Rooster

Everything but the Rooster


Covers music, art, acting, narration, production, running a small business, reviews of different entertainment. Everything but the Rooster!

Recent Episodes

  • Hello, I’m still here, just working hard!

    4 months ago
  • Daughter’s diagnosis revealed and an awesome job opportunity taken!

    6 months ago
  • Devastating family news and trying to keep it together

    7 months ago
  • Being seen, recognized from my profile and reaching out to others and performing!

    8 months ago
  • More music covers of 3 Billy Joel and 2 Annie Lennox!

    8 months ago
  • Random music covers Rock to Opera

    8 months ago
  • Reading of Chapter Two “To the Victor” chronicles of Sihn: book one.

    8 months ago
  • Interview on the horizon and reading the first chapter of my son’s book! Link in description.

    9 months ago
  • Acting for the community theater, dinner, theater, car crash, family business and more of me

    9 months ago
  • A dedicated cast to Laiken who was the son to one of my theater friends!

    9 months ago