Entertainment Exchange
by Entertainment Exchange
October 8, 2020 2:40 am
EX is a weekly discussion and social commentary through the medium of the entertainment industry using topics like movies, tv shows, sports, culture and social activism, to create a community aspiring to change the world. Join David, Wayne, Zeb, and guests each week as they break down the how and why behind the entertainment community. Follow them on Twitter and Instagram @ ent_exchange. Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/ex/support
Recent Episodes
Let Me Write Your Stories
4 years agoThe Year Of Delays
4 years agoStop Releasing Movies In Theatres
4 years agoA Black Star Wars Hero?
4 years agoThe Wise Build Bridges
4 years agoWait For It...Multiverse!
4 years agoNo, I’m Dirty Dan!
4 years agoThe Bubbles Are WORKING!
4 years agoBack To Drive-In Movies?
4 years agoTrolls Changed Movies Forever
4 years ago