Charge It To The Pod

Charge It To The Pod


“We’re gonna keep shooting the shit about shit we don’t know shit about” Blik and Cody link up once a week to talk Specktators news, New music, Call Of Duty, pop culture and more! Follow us on Twitter! Christian”s Twitter: Cody’s Twitter:

Recent Episodes

  • #24 Live with Apollo!

    3 years ago
  • #23 "Cream de la Cream"

    3 years ago
  • #022 "Dog Sniffing Drug"

    3 years ago
  • #021 "Yuh"

    3 years ago
  • #020 Squishies Go Crazy"

    3 years ago
  • #019 "She An Old Lady"

    3 years ago
  • #018 "Chalked"

    3 years ago
  • #017 "Rockin your NOGGIN"

    3 years ago
  • #016 “Unhinged Hoofery”

    3 years ago
  • #015 "Meatloaf"

    3 years ago