Back To The Topic

Back To The Topic


Back to the Topic podcast hosted by Patrick (@patrickt_3) and Walt (@waltdisnee__) and Eli (@comedian_bell). On this podcast we cover music, sports, shows, trending topics, and other things we feel like discussing that week. Tune in, subscribe, and tell your friends about #BackToTheTopic Follow our podcast page on Instagram, Youtube, and TikTok @backtothetopicpod

Recent Episodes

  • Black Job

    2 weeks ago
  • Play Your Own Hand

    1 month ago
  • Mosquitoes on Black People

    2 months ago
  • Big Back

    3 months ago
  • The Big Three

    3 months ago
  • Life is a Marathon

    4 months ago
  • Old Negro Spiritual

    6 months ago
  • Kingdom Of The War Of The Dawn Of The Rise Of The Planet Of The Apes

    8 months ago
  • Honey Bun Flavored

    8 months ago
  • First Dates

    8 months ago