2269 | The Greatest Party Of All Time

2269 | The Greatest Party Of All Time


Join us for a trip through the past, present and distant future, as we build up to the Greatest Party Of All Time! 2269 co-founder Michael Ogden interviews people from around the world about their hopes for the future. What’s going to last? What songs, books, and words of wisdom will stand the test of time? And somehow, this entertaining and provocative show leads to a worldwide celebration, to be held nearly 250 years from now. New 2269 episodes are out monthly. Subscribe today, and tell your friends. Put it up, keep it up, pass it on! 2269.co

Recent Episodes

  • Ep 11: ‘The Universe Is Poised To Thrive!’- long-term thinker George Gantz is our latest 2269 party guest

    2 years ago
  • Ep 10: 'Living in the Moment': with guest Rupert Harris - filmmaker, VR director, rock climber

    2 years ago
  • Ep 9: 'No Expectations. Only Hopes!' - guest Chris Daniel travels to The Greatest Party of All Time

    3 years ago
  • Ep 8: 'Inevitable Massive Success!' - with guest Chris Day

    3 years ago
  • Ep 7: 'Better Days Are Ahead'- with guest author Claire Bullen

    3 years ago
  • Ep 6: 'From Small Beginnings Come Great Endings' - with guest, musician and author Tim Thornton

    4 years ago
  • Ep 5: 'To Absent Friends' - guest Gideon Holland travels to the distant future

    4 years ago
  • Ep 4: ‘Heart-Led and People Focused' - with Guest Amy Meadows

    4 years ago
  • Ep 3: 'The Act of Remembering Keeps People Alive' - with guest Harry Hobson

    4 years ago
  • Ep 2: ‘Beautiful Accidents’ with guest photographer Mike Best

    4 years ago