You are Gothic but you don’t know it

You are Gothic but you don’t know it


“You are Gothic but you don’t know it” is a video podcast created by Alice in Gothic Land with the intention of helping you figure out who you are by looking at the dark side of things, and the Gothic mode is the best tool to do that. This podcast will be working on your Critical Thinking and your Communication Skills to figure out your identity. Become confident by facing and embracing your fears because, just as there is darkness in light, there is also light in darkness.

Recent Episodes

  • You are Gothic but you don’t know it - #16 The shadow self and its connection with the Gothic

    2 years ago
  • You are Gothic but you don’t know it - #15 The Gothic elements in Stranger Things

    2 years ago
  • You are Gothic but you don’t know it - #14 The Gothic connection between trees and creators

    2 years ago
  • You are Gothic but you don’t know it - #13 The importance of fire in Gothic fiction

    2 years ago
  • You are Gothic but you don’t know it - #12 The ancient role of nature in Gothic literature

    2 years ago
  • You are Gothic but you don’t know it - #11 Celtic Portals in Gothic Literature

    2 years ago
  • You are Gothic but you don’t know it - #10 The wheel of time in Gothic literature

    2 years ago
  • You are Gothic but you don’t know it - #9 Folklore vs Urban Legends

    2 years ago
  • You are Gothic but you don’t know it - #8 The sociological role of the ghost

    2 years ago
  • You are Gothic but you don’t know it - #7 Why do we believe in ghosts?

    2 years ago