Dark Tower Palaver

Dark Tower Palaver


Join hosts Tadd and Peter for in-depth discussion and analysis of Stephen King’s Magnum Opus The Dark Tower series. Explore the Novels, comics, upcoming film/TV adaptations, and all things Dark Tower. Join in on both the Round Table Discussions covering the entire series, as well as the Book Club where each book is systematically read, analyzed and discussed in order from the first line to the last. Come let’s Palaver Gunslinger!

Recent Episodes

  • Round Table #152

    2 weeks ago
  • Wizard and Glass Book Club #15 (Pt2, Ch8 Sc2-3, Ch9 Sc1-5)

    4 weeks ago
  • Wizard and Glass Book Club #14 (Pt2, Ch7 Sc9-11, Ch8 Sc1)

    1 month ago
  • Round Table #151

    2 months ago
  • Wizard and Glass Book Club #13 (Pt2, Ch7 Sc4-8)

    2 months ago
  • Round Table #150

    2 months ago
  • Wizard and Glass Book Club #12 (Pt2, Ch6 Sc8-11, CH7 Sc1-3)

    3 months ago
  • Round Table #149

    4 months ago
  • Wizard and Glass Book Club #11 (Pt2, Ch6 Sc2-7)

    4 months ago
  • Round Table #148

    5 months ago