by A&H
August 24, 2020 10:46 pm
Welcome to our podcast: We are a group of teens who are in love with film and tv and decided to start a podcast.We talk about blockbuster hits and sometimes box office fails. We post episodes every week without fail. So join us on the wonderful experience we call “Film Culture”.
Recent Episodes
110: Captain America: The First Avenger (2011) The beginning of a great series?
4 years ago109: Spider Man Homecoming(2016), Is it as good as the original?
4 years ago108: The Avengers(2012), why was it such a hit?
4 years ago107: The Fresh Prince Of Bel Air
4 years ago106: Spider Man(2002).
4 years ago105: Iron Man, Marvel Classic or highly overrated.
4 years ago104: Was the Big Bang Theory a Gem of Modern Tv or Highly Overrated?
4 years ago103:Scrubs Did it revolutionise modern day tv shows??
4 years ago102:Malcolm In The Middle; Was it that good of a show???
4 years ago101:Oceans 8. Did it deserve the hate
4 years ago