Forget Work, Watch Films!
by Robert Conners
October 8, 2020 8:31 am
Hey guys! Welcome to our Brand new Podcast!! All about Movies and whatever is on the grapevine, just chill out and listen to us talk about Movies, Tv Shows and forget all about lifes stresses. Hit us up if you disagree with anything or just fancy having a natter!!
Recent Episodes
Episode 42 - Cineworld is closing
4 years agoEpisode 41 - The Podcast Pandemic Special!
4 years agoEpisode 40 - How do you forget work, Watch Films?
4 years agoEpisode 39 - The dog ruined this one!
4 years agoEpisode 38 - Is Borat back?? DUNE TRAILER!
4 years agoEpisode 39 - Rip Chadwick Boseman. Tenet
4 years ago