Swordboys – Cut x Cut

Swordboys – Cut x Cut


We’re talking about your favorite sword movies from the 70s, 80s and 90s. Your childhood comes alive as we break down these movies cut by cut. CURRENT SEASON: Masters of the Universe (1987)

Recent Episodes

  • Masters Of The Universe Part Four - Dick Ship

    2 weeks ago
  • Masters of the Universe Part Three - Blasters of the Universe

    4 weeks ago
  • Masters of the Universe Part Two - Good Journey

    1 month ago
  • Masters of the Universe Part One - Sexy Skeletor

    2 months ago
  • Three Musketeers Part Six - A French Quarter

    2 months ago
  • Three Musketeers Part Five - It's Not Murder, It's A Melee

    3 months ago
  • Three Musketeers Part Four - M'Lady DeWhitaker

    3 months ago
  • Three Musketeers Part Three - Always Be Wenching!

    4 months ago
  • Three Musketeers Part Two - Platt Facts

    4 months ago
  • Three Musketeers Part One - What Musketeer Are You?

    5 months ago