Why are you

Why are you


Why are you… (insert anything)? A bit confusing? Yes…I know. The human condition is what we will explore, from the long term effects of trauma and neglect, to day to day instances of contact and conflict in relationships. Hopefully, I will provide a platform where we can first dissect, detect , isolate , expose and attempt to resolve our issues that have seemingly held us captive and or stagnant in this wonderful tragedy of Life.

Recent Episodes

  • Why are you parenting in such a manner?

    3 years ago
  • Y-R-U Afraid

    4 years ago
  • Why R U in a relationship

    4 years ago
  • Dishevelment

    4 years ago
  • Why are you talking to myself

    4 years ago
  • Altar of EHGBERT

    4 years ago
  • Why are you (Trailer)

    4 years ago
  • (((Y-R-U)))

    4 years ago