Made To Think With Ninjam

Made To Think With Ninjam


A Collection of Short Stories, Poetry, Philosophy, Travel memoirs, Dj Escapades, Radical Rambles and interviews with some of the coolest people on my journey so far, including my son. The goal is to Make you think, smile, laugh, cry, question and learn how to overcome your own demons and face the world with a positive mindset.

Recent Episodes

  • The Anomalies Of History - Part Two - The Lords Of All Things.

    1 day ago
  • The Anomalies Of His - Story - Part One - Ascending The Rabbit Hole.

    1 day ago
  • GuestJam #27 - Anthony Michael Guerds

    3 weeks ago
  • GuestJam #26 - Robert Larkins - (Palcast)

    3 weeks ago
  • Ninjam Skit Ocho - Man United

    1 month ago
  • Couchsurfing The World - Seasons Special

    1 month ago
  • GuestJam #25 - Dr Narco Longo

    1 month ago
  • GuestJam #24 - Cliff Dunning - (Swapcast)

    2 months ago
  • Ninjam Skit Seis - Wonton Whispers

    2 months ago
  • SlamJam 24 - Panama City

    2 months ago