by Daniel R. S.
October 31, 2024 7:50 am
A wide variety of opinionated views on today’s issues from around the San Francisco Bay Area, throughout California, the country and beyond. Whether I’m talking in regards to political, social, entertainment, sports, or just maybe a recent experience I’ve had, nothing is off the table. So grab some coffee with me as I surf around the web and rant about whatever clickbait jumps right out at me. Twitter: YouTube channel: Rumble: email: Thank You😉 Support this podcast:
Recent Episodes
S08E10: The weekend is here!
2 weeks agoS08E09: Goodbye Oakland Athletics
2 weeks agoS08E08: Puff Diddle arrested
2 weeks agoS08E07: The calm before the storm
2 weeks agoS08E06: Lights Out!
2 weeks agoS08E05: Liberals destroyed Oakland
2 weeks agoS08E04: Let's get right to it!
2 weeks agoS08E03: Releasing the lost episodes
2 weeks agoS08E02: Trump and Elon / LA Mob mentality and Harris's new plan 'Tax on tips'
3 months agoS08E01: Here we go again
3 months ago