Inspired In Paris
by Tess
July 21, 2020 12:08 am
Walk with Tess (The Inspired Body) through the beautiful city of Paris. She shares the how the people, architecture, food, gardens, art, culture, history, and dance and movement opportunities in the “City of Light” contribute to her inspired life. The program may include expert guests and interviews. Tess also shares her story of meeting “French Charming” and her big move from the USA to France, proving anything is possible when you follow inspiration. Some episodes will be descriptive walking tours in real time so “Armchair-Travelers” as well as on-location visitors can come along.
Recent Episodes
1.5 Musée Rodin- the gardens and some history
4 years ago1.4 The Tuileries in June
4 years ago1.3 Running Errands in Paris Deconfinement Week 4
4 years ago1.2 Silver Linings Day 52 Confinement in Paris
5 years ago1.1 Day 3 Corona Virus Confinement in Paris
5 years agoInspired In Paris Pilot
5 years ago