Science did WHAT?!
by Science did WHAT?! is produced by KyleMarian
April 1, 2016 6:39 pm
This is a podcast where people can see the different sides of Science that most laypersons aren’t exposed to. With Science did WHAT?!, I want to show you how science permeates everything we do, how it can cover the study of anything and everything, how it can be both tedious and exciting, how muddled and filled with mistakes it can be, how nonlinear the pursuit of knowledge this path is, and how the path to a career in the scientific world isn’t the same for everyone. In all that I can remember experiencing and in what I’ve seen with other scientists, it’s not just the wonder of the final product (i.e., knowledge and facts found in textbooks) that inspired us to dabble in science; it was having seen a window into the scientific process. That was the gateway into falling in love with science — at least for me it was. Science did WHAT?! is my attempt at paying that forward.
Recent Episodes
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