
Just as only a few hundred parts of CO2 out of a million in our atmosphere can have a big impact, individual actions eventually do reach a tipping point to bring about systemic change. Social change is the work of decades of hard-fought battles but when real change does arrive it can seem to do so with startling speed. PARTS PER MILLION looks at the factors surrounding mass movements, what we can expect going forward on climate action, and how individuals can take simple actions to create positive change. Each season will empower people to do just one thing to make a positive impact.

Recent Episodes

  • "Some conspiracy theories are true"

    4 years ago
  • "People do something because someone asked them to"

    4 years ago
  • "Meet your audience where they are at"

    4 years ago
  • "Most people don't understand that they are in the majority"

    4 years ago
  • "Born in a world where you get to meet Lorde"

    4 years ago
  • "Saints and psychopaths protest under normal circumstances"

    4 years ago
  • Introducing the PARTS PER MILLION Podcast

    4 years ago