Plants and people – for iPad/Mac/PC

Plants and people – for iPad/Mac/PC


What techniques are used to keep crops safe from insects? What happens to tomatoes when they ripen? This selection of audio slideshows covers a broad range of topics that relate to the nature of both plants and vegetables. From touring the largest display green houses in the world at the Eden Project to genetically engineering crops for African famers, this collection of case studies reveals fascinating insights into the cutting edge work conservationists and bio-chemists are doing in the field of botany. This material forms part of the Open University course S173 Plants and people.

Recent Episodes

  • Eden Project: Palms and Peppers

    13 years ago
  • Eden Project: Busy Lizzy (Imaptiens gordonii)

    13 years ago
  • Fruit Ripening

    13 years ago
  • Royal Horticultural Society: Colour chart

    13 years ago
  • Pest Control (Push and pull systems)

    13 years ago