The Social Work Stories Podcast

The Social Work Stories Podcast


A podcast exploring Social Work practice through stories & critical reflection.

Recent Episodes

  • Centring the Child’s Voice - Social Work in the Federal Circuit and Family Court of Australia - Ep. 90

    1 month ago
  • A Case for More Social Workers in the Disabilities Space - Ep. 89

    3 months ago
  • Discharge planning: Social justice in action - Ep.88

    4 months ago
  • How an aged-care social worker uses dignifying practice as covert resistance - Ep.87

    5 months ago
  • "Don't just believe what you read on my file": Re-authoring patient stories - Ep. 86

    6 months ago
  • Social Work and Voluntary Assisted Dying: We Have All The Tools We Need - Ep. 85

    8 months ago
  • Abortion in Australia: The impact on women and social work practice - Ep. 84

    10 months ago
  • Supporting continuing bonds through adult memory making in hospital-based end of life care - Ep.83

    11 months ago
  • Bush Adventure Therapy: Nature as co-therapist - Ep.82

    12 months ago
  • We are Making Visible: Introducing the Making Visible podcast

    1 year ago