The Keeper: A Human Rights Podcast

The Keeper: A Human Rights Podcast


Hosted by Lantos Foundation President, Dr. Katrina Lantos Swett, The Keeper features in depth conversations about the most pressing matters of human rights and justice around the world and welcomes some of the most important human rights figures of our time as guests.The Keeper takes its name from the personal conviction of the Lantos Foundation’s namesake Congressman Tom Lantos, fully lived out in his own life, that we have a moral and ethical obligation to be our brother and sister’s keeper. This guiding principle led Congressman Lantos to found the Congressional Human Rights Caucus and use his eloquence, leadership, and personal passion to advocate fiercely on behalf of those whose human rights were being trampled in every corner of the world.

Recent Episodes

  • Episode 25: Sports & Rights Season – Why the First Female Afghan Olympian Wants the Olympics to Ban Her Country

    3 weeks ago
  • Episode 24: Special re-release of “Vladimir Kara-Murza: The Democracy Activist Putin Wants Dead”

    4 months ago
  • Episode 23: Sports & Rights Season: Joint episode with World Affairs Council of New Hampshire

    2 years ago
  • Episode 22: Pavel Khodorkovsky

    2 years ago
  • Episode 21: Rule of Law Season Finale – 2020 Lantos Prize Laureate Bryan Stevenson on Justice

    3 years ago
  • Episode 20: Rule of Law Season – Seeking Justice on an International Stage

    3 years ago
  • Episode 19: Rule of Law Season – The Real Story of Kagame’s Rwanda

    3 years ago
  • Episode 18: Rule of Law Season – The Democracy Activist Putin Wants Dead

    3 years ago
  • Episode 17: Rule of Law Season – Hong Kong Activist in Exile

    3 years ago
  • Episode 16: Rule of Law Season – Freedom's Counsel

    3 years ago