


extremely is a podcast from the ADL Center on Extremism. Hosted by Oren Segal and Jessica Reaves, extremely gives audiences a window into the work of fighting extremism and hate.The podcast provides critical insights into the ever-evolving extremist landscape and showcases fresh perspectives from experts dedicated to understanding and combatting these threats.

Recent Episodes

  • "I Can't Explain How I'm Here:" A Nova Survivor's Story

    2 weeks ago
  • Women’s (Terrorist) History Month, an Arrest Worth Celebrating and White Supremacist Litterbugs

    4 months ago
  • Live From NYC: Nas Company Meets extremely

    5 months ago
  • Money, Misogyny and Mayhem

    6 months ago
  • 2023: It Was a Year, and We Have Thoughts

    7 months ago
  • Trust but Verify

    8 months ago
  • Special Episode: Bring Them Home

    8 months ago
  • War is Hell (On Facts)

    9 months ago
  • Jewish Space Lasers, Plus A Few Things You Should Actually Be Worried About

    10 months ago
  • Elizabeth Williamson – “The results of this mass delusion”

    2 years ago