Blueball Skeptics
by Blueball Skeptics
January 10, 2016 10:16 pm
Skeptical analyses from the people who brought you ElevatorPhotoGate
Recent Episodes
#001 - Caleb Lack (Part 1)
10 years ago#002 - Caleb Lack (Part 2)
10 years ago#003 - Meet the Madisons (Part 1)
10 years ago#004 - Meet the Madisons (Part 2)
10 years ago#005 - DJ Grothe (REPOST)
10 years ago#006 - James Garrison (Part 1)
10 years ago#007 - James Garrison (Part 2)
10 years ago#008 - Zoe Jen and John
10 years ago#010 - Outwest
10 years ago#012 - Mark Schierbecker
9 years ago