Oxford Brookes Centre for Health, Medicine and Society Podcasts
by Oxford Brookes Centre for Health, Medicine and Society
April 14, 2018 7:51 am
Podcasts about the Centre for Health, Medicine and Society. Can the history of epidemics or the history of body fat help us better understand our susceptibility to illnesses like swine flu or provide a clue to the modern day rise of obesity?
Recent Episodes
History of Medicine #25: Race – a history of a bad idea
7 years agoHistory of Medicine #24: Suitable for Parenthood: The Eugenics of Reproductive Health in Mid-Twentieth-Century Britain
12 years agoHistory of Medicine #23: Spinsters and Lesbians as Spiritual Mothers of the British Race
12 years agoHistory of Medicine #22: Send in the Clones? Naomi Mitchison (née Haldane)’s Musing on Reproduction, Breeding, Feminism, Socialism and Eugenics from the 1920s to the 1970s
12 years agoHistory of Medicine #21: Women, the Family and Eugenics in Nazi Germany
12 years agoHistory of Medicine #20: Eugenics and Maternalism during the Century of Woman: Trends in Eastern Europe
12 years agoHistory of Medicine #19: Eugeni-fascist Vitalism, Racial Prepotency, and Maternal Health in Interwar Italy
12 years agoHistory of Medicine #18: Making experts in the periphery: Toxicology in nineteenth-century Spain
13 years agoHistory of Medicine #17: Place Identity and Healthy Cities
13 years agoHistory of Medicine #16: A History of Morphological Evolution: From Darwin to Lewis and beyond
13 years ago