On The Hill
by Sherezade Garcia Rangel
May 14, 2021 7:13 pm
On The Hill is a podcast about cemeteries. Each season tells the story of one cemetery and each episode tells the true story of someone buried there. We reassemble their lives and examine what this tells us about our human history and experience. We respond to them with original creative writing. Learn more at weareonthehill.podbean.com.
Recent Episodes
S01 Trailer
5 years agoS01 Episode 01: Sir John Gay Newton Alleyne with A J Dalton
5 years agoS01 Episode 02: Mary Monk with Amy Lilwall
5 years agoS01 Episode 03: Chung Shin and WWI with Sherezade Garcia Rangel
5 years agoS01 Episode 04: Artist Winifred Freeman with Anna Kiernan and Glyn Winchester
5 years agoS01 Episode 05: Henry Philip Creese and the Titanic with A J Dalton
5 years agoS01 Episode 06: Countess Ellen Odette Cuffe or 'The Weeping Widow' and Amy Lilwall
5 years agoS01 Episode 07: William Bilkie the last mail coach guard with Jennifer Young
5 years agoS01 Episode 08: Miśko Molnár the First Czechoslovak Sailor in Poland with Sherezade Garcia Rangel
5 years agoS01 Episode 09: George Kerswell Sheaff and the HMS Ganges with Amy Lilwall
4 years ago