Lost Wells

Lost Wells


Wells were vital to our existence, important social and cultural hubs which provided fresh supplies of clean water, healing and spiritual meccas. Katch Holmes goes on a whistle-stop tour round well sites in Galloway, touching on issues of water supplies, vanished populations, healing, historical movements, mythology and folk tales. The Galloway Glens Lost Wells project was instigated in lockdown. It tasked people to carry out online research to discover lost wells near them. Supported by National Lottery Heritage Fund and Historic Environment, Scotland Illustration: Simon Holmes

Recent Episodes

  • Episode 4: The Green Well of Scotland

    3 years ago
  • Episode 3: More than water

    3 years ago
  • Episode 2: Saints, Spas and Singers

    3 years ago
  • Episode 1: Why Wells?

    3 years ago