Weekly Edoverse Insider #2
by Shinwa Wise
December 28, 2022 3:45 pm
Shinwa Wise Holdings K.K. (HQ: Chuo Ward, Tokyo; CEO Yoichi Kurata) and Mr. Iehiro Tokugawa, the 19th generation patriarch of the Tokugawa family, held a press conference to announce the forthcoming creation of “Edoverse”, a Metaverse themed around Edo Period Japan on February 16th, 2022. At that time, we also annouced the roadmap for this project. We have decided to deliver ” Weekly Edoverse Insider” to share everyone the progress of Edoverse once a week. ■ About 1:Tokugawa-san’s vision 2:The progress of whole project 3:the progress of technical 4:PR 5:others ■MEMBER ・Iehiro Tokugawa(The 19th generation patriarch of the Tokugawa family) ・Gen Matsuda ・TS ・Dominic ・Okusana(MC) ■Every Tuesday 11:00 (GMT+9) ※配信は英語での音声になります。
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