Old Chang CHATS – Chinese History And Tech Startups

Old Chang CHATS – Chinese History And Tech Startups


There is a difference in business culture between Asia and the West. Much of the startup related literature are western dominated and there is a vacuum for Asian business strategies related discussions in English. On each episode of CHATS, Old Chang will pick a topic which will interest English speaking founders and professionals by seeking out relevant lessons from Chinese history.

Recent Episodes

  • Episode 6: Learning from Liu Bang (Managing the dynamics between Founders and Professionals)

    3 years ago
  • Episode 5: Learning from Liu Bang (Scaling up beyond brotherhood Managing and Courting Professionals) 齐心聚人

    3 years ago
  • Episode 4: Learning from Liu Bang (Scaling up beyond brotherhood Harnessing the skills of professionals 成长阶段,用专家,强力)

    3 years ago
  • Episode 3: Learning from Liu Bang (Creating Unity and Brotherhood) 汉高祖刘邦 初创阶段,用兄弟,心齐

    4 years ago
  • Episode 2: Learning from 3 Kingdoms (Knowing whether someone is the appropriate talent for your startup 马谡失街亭)

    4 years ago
  • Episode 1: Learning from 3 Kingdoms (Courting the talent for your early stage startup 三顾茅庐 )

    4 years ago
  • 三顾茅庐 Experiment Episode (With Technical Error)

    4 years ago