Echoes Of India: A History Podcast

Echoes Of India: A History Podcast


Echoes of India is the story of India like you’ve never heard it before. Host Anirudh Kanisetti takes you on a journey through its wonders, from the Greek art of Afghanistan to the thriving ports of Tamil Nadu. Along the way, monks debate, queens boast, and armies roar. From philosophy to politics to economics, the past comes back to life – noisy, breathing, as thriving as the Indian subcontinent is today.

Recent Episodes

  • Beloved of the Gods: Ashoka Maurya in His Time and Ours

    3 years ago
  • The Emperor is Naked: How History Forgot the Ajivikas and Remembered the Mauryas

    3 years ago
  • Alexander the Brute: Building Empires in the Ancient World

    3 years ago
  • Thrones of Blood: Ajatashatru's Wars and the First Buddhist Council

    3 years ago
  • The Great Extinguishing: Memories of the Death of Buddha and the Rise of Magadha

    3 years ago
  • So I Have Heard From the Blessed One: Anirudh Speaks to the Buddha

    3 years ago
  • Nun of Your Business: Women, Society, and the Sangha in Early Buddhism

    3 years ago
  • Buddha the Prophet: The Republics, Slaves and Ethics of Early India

    3 years ago
  • Gargi's Fires: Gender, Caste, Rebirth, and the Metaphysics of the Brihadaranyaka Upanishad

    3 years ago
  • Buddha Goes to Sarnath: How Cities and Civilisations are Born

    3 years ago