34 Circe Salon — Disrupting History

34 Circe Salon — Disrupting History


Smashing the falsehood and omissions of women of action, warrior women and great queens, past, present and future. Amazons, War Goddesses and Matriarchy. Truths shall be revealed, myths demolished and empires restored. Join us for an exciting ride!

Recent Episodes

  • In Praise of the Goddess - Persephone

    2 weeks ago
  • A Word To Our Matrons

    2 weeks ago
  • The Importance of Postnatal Care

    3 weeks ago
  • Female Revenge Films - Peppermint (2018)

    1 month ago
  • Vicki Noble - Amazons and Matriarchy - Pt. 2

    2 months ago
  • 34 Circe Salon - Make Matriarchy Great Again - Fourth Anniversary Bonus Episode!

    2 months ago
  • Stuntwomen!

    2 months ago
  • Vicki Noble - Amazons and Matriarchy - Pt. 1 - Full Episode

    3 months ago
  • Founding Mothers - Viola Spolin and Neva Boyd

    4 months ago
  • Professor Walter Penrose - Wonder Woman (2017) and the Amazons

    4 months ago